Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Doing Laundry


These are the settings on the washing machine in our apartment!  Thank goodness for google translator.  Most of the translations were familiar: cotton, synthetic, delicate...Then there were those that needed a little more translating, like "without folding" (permanent press), "rinse and extraction" (rinse and spin)...and then there are the ones I still can't figure out, like "gentle boiling" and "volumetric things". 

The first load I washed was just a sheet and some dish towels, but without a drying rack (dryers are a luxury in Ukraine) finding a place to dry the sheet took some creativity.  You know how kids love to make tents out of chairs and blankets?  It works for drying sheets too.

A couple of days later, after I bought a drying rack, I hung the second load out in the sunroom to dry.  I think I may need to get some fabric softener.  I forgot how stiff everything gets when it's hung out to dry.  I will also have to get used to doing small loads on a daily basis instead of having one laundry day each week.

                                                The cat decor came with the apartment
Notice the portable heater. It also came with the apartment.  I guess that's for winter drying.

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