Saturday, May 23, 2015

Kyiv International School PTO Gala Event


Saturday Night - April 25, 2015

The KIS Parent-Teacher Organization hosted a Gala to celebrate the school year and raise funds to help purchase items for the school.  It was held at the Radisson Blu in downtown Kiev.  It was well attended, the food was delicious, the music was great, and it seemed like everyone was having a good time.  Many items were donated for a silent auction which was open for most of the evening.  At 10 pm the winning bids were announced.  I walked away with a vase from Romania and two nights for two at the Radisson Blu in Istanbul!!!  At the time, I didn't know that we would be returning to The States at the end of this school year.  So I'm keeping the vase and looking for someone to buy the gift certificate.  Anyone planning a trip to Istanbul?

Our own KIS Korean boy band, "Kimchi on the Vodu" was one of the bands to play during the evening.  They were great!

There was a champagne reception before dinner.  I actually went to a Ukrainian salon to get my hair done for this special occasion.  I didn't even do that for my high school proms or my wedding!
The Directors' Wives

A good time was had by all.
The place looked elegant...
and our KIS PTO moms looked beautiful !

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